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2020 - The Year the Never Was
Posted: December 12th, 2020Posted By: MG

Well folks, here we are at the end of another year. One which I am sure nobody will miss! As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and we endure another round of economy-crippling shutdowns and restrictions, it’s sometimes hard to find things to be thankful for. Christmas will certainly look different this year without the traditional gatherings of friends and family, so I encourage everyone to raise a glass and reach out to those who may be feeling lonely this holiday season in true BHON style.

The pandemic also took its toll on BHON activities this past year. Although we adapted to using Zoom meetings and getting together on makeshift patios in bar parking lots, it certainly wasn’t the same. Once the province finally moved into Stage 3 reopening, we were the first to return to our favourite establishments, albeit wearing facemasks and having to follow strange new protocols. When Niagara’s chief medical officer Dr. Hirji imposed Section 22 orders on the entire region at the beginning of November, it pretty much shut us down for the rest of the year. A huge shout out to Mike B for offering up his basement clubhouse for the past few weeks so that we could finish the year properly. Ironically, it would be these types of private gatherings that the Health Unit was hoping to avoid happening in the first place....

We also want to raise a glass to all of the bar and restaurant owners, servers and hospitality workers out there who have struggled through this past year. We know it hasn’t been easy and we appreciate the effort you have all put in to try and keep the doors open for us to return. We also encourage everyone to continue to support their local establishments, despite the restrictions. Order a take-out meal, pop in for lunch with family from your household, or someone ’essential’ to your wellbeing. Be cheerful with your servers and don’t be a dick about following the rules. It’s not their fault, nor their responsibility to police your actions.

As for the coming new year...everyone is placing their hopes on a vaccine rollout to finally end this. I am cautiously optimistic, but only time will tell.

A peaceful Christmas to all, or whatever you choose to celebrate. See you all on the other side!


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