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EDI Laffs, Gaffs and Blunders: Laptop :(
Posted: May 25th, 2007Posted By: MikeB

Edition V3.5: All gone, all of it :( ....

Well, isn't this nice, fire up the old employer supplied laptop, and hello, what's this? OH!, I'm a new user am i? Fantastic. First day on the job as far as XP is concerned, it is. Marvelous. Says some stupid message about can't find profile, well it's right where you left it a-hole! Let's try to connect in and see if I can avoid a 280 KM trip and having it reimaged. Good times, not a single file or stored ID are there. Peachey. No proxy settings to be found anywhere. Slick. Well, I somehow remember enough settings, copy some files from backup that I had luckily setup for just such an MS-Emergency, and am limping along. Well, I'm half-assing as best as I can, but it is going to be a crappy day going like this.

Here's a crazy idea, let's reboot this 1/2 dead machine to see WTF happens next!

*drumroll* .......

Good as new! Thank you Microsoft, for providing us with the latest RCL! (random catastrophic login)


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